The original DOSBox emulator (or clones with additional features) works on the desktop Windows 10 perfectly also, standard win32/64 app don't have some stupid limitations what store apps has. CONTINUUM Unfortunately, I should say "no" for all your requests:ġ.
Classic dos box is such a pain to install becuase it bums without a mouse.Ĥ. I have an 10" tablet I love for casual gaming, add on clipon joypad for tons fun. a store app that is single click install and gets updated automagically would be awesome.Ģ. I have used dosbox on Desktop PC before but can't be bothered with the setup. Wish it was a Win10 UWA and available on PC. If you don't want to use PC, I strongly recommend you to use "Total Commander" app! You can easily open and unpack archives with old DOS games and programs to your virtual "drive c:" folder.Īpp is paid now ($1.99) but still has a free trial version, with some functionality limitation. Later, you need to synchronize this folder manually after adding or deleting apps & data. launch the app and choose folder after synchronization it will be your virtual drive "c:".On W10M you may create folder at the root on WP8.1 create your folder inside any public folders (Pictures, Documents etc.) create folder dosbox (or whatever) on the phone or sd-card memory.So, this mode simulates (at least, is trying too) a standard notebook touch-pad behavior. To move mouse with left mouse button pressed - hold for a little and start moving your finger on the screen. To emulate right mouse click, hold & release finger. To emulate left mouse click - tap the screen, double-click - double-tap. relative mouse mode: to move mouse pointer, touch & hold phone screen and move your finger mouse should move relative to your finger movements.Very simple but still useful in some old DOS games and definitely in DOS programs working in the text mode. absolute mouse mode: moves mouse pointer on virtual screen and emulates left button click by phone screen tap.Now mouse emulation has two modes, absolute and relative. WP standard "back" key bound to the keyboard "Esc".īTW, app has virtual keyboard and joystick mouse is emulated via touch screen. Camera button toggles "turbo-mode" of emulator (sometime is very useful), you can change this binding in settings. I recommend to use Bluetooth keyboard and mouse to work with emulator. He-he, you can run Windows 3.1 on your phone too Classic Sierra's quests are working fine Wolf 3D (for DOS) also playable.